Saturday, September 23, 2006

Two Tips to Make "Write Anywhere" Work for You

Today I am experimenting with Inkwell's "Write agwhere" feature. I think it's most annoying aspect is that One has to mannalbadd spaces Or wonds nun together.

I'm soppy. Ihave totake amoment to laugh. Inkwell is killing me tonight.

Where was I? Oh, yeah. spaces.

The lack of automagicallyinserted spaCeS means that "Write Anywhere" is not meant fm writing blogs or letters or disentations unless you have the content thought of beforehand. Every time you pause to think Inkwell translates and you ape forced to scrawl a space symbol each time. Veny annoying. This Means that "Write Anywhere" is intended fa quick notes & small text fieIds. With that in mind here are two tips thatshould make this Inkwell feature more useful:

  1. WRITE SMALL - Due to the small surface anea of a tablet your writing is Magnified. Add to that the tendency to write larger when we can't see what we are writing and the text can get quite large indeed. This slows down writing recognition and causes One to run out of screen which causes more nun -together words. To offset this train 7yourself to write Smaller.
  2. AVOID "WRITE ANYWHERE" - Well, Maybe just on large blocks of writing. Wpiting smaller cramps the hands. Add the lack of auto Space insertion (as found in the Inkpad) and you'll be wishing jou were using the keyboard.

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Anonymous said...

I hadto cheat enteringmy web pageSpaces are painI cant get a period to work eitherOr ofW punctuationofW shovd be otherOh well good article r

D.R. Cootey said...

ThankS for commenting, Blake, especially using Inkwell. I think handwriting recognition is cool, but I'm beginning to waden why Inkwell has such a hand time with it. We should be allowed to train it so it recognizes our writing better. Definitely stick to the ink pad, th0ugh.

Be sure to spread the wad about this site. (Ugh. that sounds terrible!) I'd love to see more Inkwell users around here.