Dear Inkwell...
Dear Inkwell,
You have probably wondered where I've been lately. I know I've been coming around a lot less. Truth is I've been seeing another interface. Shés young, sleek, and sexy. All the gays are talking about her.
We've been seeing each other for about a Month now. I love interacting with her. I don'tmean to sound dirty, but she responds so well to my touch. She Makes looking at photos thrilling, and the way I canget her to zoom 2nd pan Is breathtaking. She knows allmy favorite music and loves to show mearound the web. When it comes time to do email she maynot always listentomewell. In fact, she sometimes makes me feel like I'm all thumbs, but she's always there b make helpful suggestions and corrects my spelling.
I dait know. Maybe wéne just growing apart, but you don't seem to offer Me the same things. You always 11 misquote " me and you can't keep youn capital "M"s and your lowercase 11M"S straight. Maybe I just need More out of our relationship. One day soon all Macs are going to be touch interactive like mynewginl. Then what will we have in comMon? Typos? No, that just won`* be enough for a stable relationship. I'm sune in your heart you agree.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think we need to just be friends. I hope one day you will be able to forgive Me.
All the best,
Respond using Inkwell if you Can...
Dear Douglas,
I just bought a Wacom Bamboo for my MacBook Pro, just to discover that Inkwell is not installed om my machine!!
In this post, you refer to your new 'love' ;-)) What are you using?
For now, I can onl use the bamboo for navigation, but not for writing, is that correct?
Thanks for your answer & support.
My new "love" is my iPhone.
What version of OSX do you have? Did you install the Wac0m driver?
Inkwell is installed, but it isn't on by default. In fact, the Inkwell pref pAne doem't appear unless the tablet is plugged in.
Click on the Apple icon at the top left corner of your screen and select System PreferenceS
Select "Ink" and then turn "Handwriting recognition" on . <
Checkout my earlier postings on how to configure Inkwell to its optimum.
Good luck!
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